Arbovirus infections, mainly transmitted by Aedes mosquito, are emerging in Africa. Efficient vector control requires an\nunderstanding of ecological factors which could impact on the risk of transmission, such as environmental changes linked\nto agricultural practices. The present study aims to assess the level of human exposure to Aedes mosquito bites in different\nagroecosystem area, using an immunological tool which quantifies human IgG antibody response to one Ae. aegypti salivary\npeptide. Specific IgG responses were assessed during dry and rainy seasons, in children living in different villages in CË?ote dâ??Ivoire:\nNâ??Zikro (rubber and oil palm exploitations), Ehania-V5 (oil palm), and Ay´ebo (without intensive agricultural activities). In the dry\nseason, specific IgG levels were significantly lower in Ay´ebo compared to Ehania-V5 and Nâ??Zikro and, interestingly, were similarly\nhigh in both villages with cultivations. In the rainy season, no difference of specific IgG was observed between villages. Specific\nIgG responses remained therefore high during both seasons in villages associated with intensive agricultural. The rubber and oil\npalm cultivations couldmaintain a high level of human exposure to Aedesmosquito bites during both dry and rainy seasons.These\nagricultural activities could represent a permanent risk factor of the transmission of arboviruses.